API Nonconformance Closure Services

API Nonconformance Closure Services

Nonconformance can occur anywhere in an oilfield business and at any level of the company´s operations, from manufacturing processes or service provision, to work instructions and procedures. For example, nonconformity can arise from an employee who does not adhere to a specific standard/process and thereby creates more issues down the production line, which will ultimately affect the final customer.

To help you keep your management system in top condition and benefit your business by taking ownership of any nonconformity, our API nonconformance closure services will helps to implement corrective actions that prevent the recurrence of non-conformities.

Non conformance closure services


Steps in closing API nonconformities​

Identify the root cause of the non-conformity

This involves identifying the underlying reason why the non-conformity occurred.

Implement the corrective action plan

This involves taking the steps outlined in the plan to correct the non-conformity and prevent it from happening again.

Develop a corrective action plan

This plan should address the root cause of the non-conformity and include specific steps to prevent it from happening again.

Verify the effectiveness of the corrective action

This involves checking that the corrective action has been implemented effectively and has addressed the root cause of the non-conformity.

Close the non-conformity

If the corrective action is effective, the NC can be closed. This involves updating any documentation related to the NC closing it out in the audit report.

NC Closure services

Closing Non Conformities with Vegas Consulting

Vegas Consulting can help you identify non-conformances during an API audit , identify them and speed up the implementation of corrective actions. A robust system to control the non-conformity handling process will significantly benefit your management system and business, including setting up your nonconformity handling
procedure and other relevant SOPs.

With API nonconformance closure services, organization improve the agility with which they make decisions and execute corrective actions; improved competitiveness and customer service levels; reduce waste, non-quality costs, and comply with the company’s continuous improvement strategy.

You can get in touch with us for more support and guidance on API nonconformance closure services. Contact us or email info@vegascg.ae to find out more about how we can help you stay on top of your management system.

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